In mysql, how do I get the primary key used for an insert operation, when it is autoincrementing.
Basically, i want the new autoincremented value to be returned when the statement completes.
您的澄清评论说您有兴趣确保 LAST_INSERT_ID() 在发生另一个并发 INSERT 时不会给出错误结果.请放心,无论其他并发活动如何,使用 LAST_INSERT_ID() 都是安全的.LAST_INSERT_ID() 仅返回当前会话期间生成的最新 ID.
Your clarification comment says that you're interested in making sure that LAST_INSERT_ID() doesn't give the wrong result if another concurrent INSERT happens. Rest assured that it is safe to use LAST_INSERT_ID() regardless of other concurrent activity. LAST_INSERT_ID() returns only the most recent ID generated during the current session.
- 打开两个shell窗口,运行mysql每个客户端并连接到数据库.
- Shell 1:插入到带有AUTO_INCREMENT 键.
- 外壳 1:SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(),查看结果.
- Shell 2:插入到同一个表中.
- 外壳 2:SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(),查看与 shell 1 不同的结果.
- 外壳 1:SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()再次,看到前面的重复结果.
如果你仔细想想,这是唯一有意义的方法.所有支持自动递增密钥机制的数据库都必须以这种方式运行.如果结果取决于其他客户端可能同时插入的竞争条件,那么将没有可靠的方法来获取当前会话中最后插入的 ID 值.
If you think about it, this is the only way that makes sense. All databases that support auto-incrementing key mechanisms must act this way. If the result depends on a race condition with other clients possibly INSERTing concurrently, then there would be no dependable way to get the last inserted ID value in your current session.