我使用 MySQL 已经有一段时间了,我对它的结构感到满意SQL 查询等
I've been using MySQL for a fair while now and I'm comfortable with its structure & SQL Queries etc.
目前正在 AWS 中构建一个新系统,我一直在研究 DynamoDB.目前我只知道一点.
Currently building a new system in AWS and I've been looking at DynamoDB. Currently I only know a little about it.
DynamoDB 有什么优势?
What are the advantage of DynamoDB?
从 MySQL 查询等到这种扁平风格 DB 的过渡是怎样的?
what is the transition like from MySQL queries etc to this flat style DB?
你可以阅读 AWS 的解释 这里.
You can read AWS explanation about it here.
简而言之,如果您主要有 Lookup 查询(而不是 Join 查询),那么 DynamoDB(和其他 NoSQL DB)会更好.如果您需要处理大量数据,则在使用 MySQL(和其他 RDBMS)时会受到限制.
In short, if you have mainly Lookup queries (and not Join queries), DynamoDB (and other NoSQL DB) is better. If you need to handle a lot of data, you will be limited when using MySQL (and other RDBMS).
您不能重用 MySQL 查询或数据模式,但如果您花精力学习 NoSQL,您将在工具箱中添加一个重要工具.在很多情况下,DynamoDB 提供了最简单的解决方案.
You can't reuse your MySQL queries nor your data schema, but if you spend the effort to learn NoSQL, you will add an important tool to your tool box. There are many cases where DynamoDB is giving the simplest solution.
这篇关于AWS MySQL RDS 与 AWS DynamoDB的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!