从大型 mysql 表中选择随机行的快速方法是什么?
What is a fast way to select a random row from a large mysql table?
我正在使用 php,但我对任何解决方案感兴趣,即使它是另一种语言.
I'm working in php, but I'm interested in any solution even if it's in another language.
获取所有 id,从中随机选择一个,然后检索整行.
Grab all the id's, pick a random one from it, and retrieve the full row.
如果你知道 id 是连续的,没有空洞,你可以只获取最大值并计算一个随机 id.
If you know the id's are sequential without holes, you can just grab the max and calculate a random id.
如果这里和那里都有漏洞,但主要是顺序值,并且您不关心稍微偏斜的随机性,则获取最大值,计算一个 id,然后选择 id 等于或大于 id 的第一行你计算过.偏斜的原因是,跟在这些洞后面的id比跟在另一个id后面的id有更高的机会被选中.
If there are holes here and there but mostly sequential values, and you don't care about a slightly skewed randomness, grab the max value, calculate an id, and select the first row with an id equal to or above the one you calculated. The reason for the skewing is that id's following such holes will have a higher chance of being picked than ones that follow another id.
If you order by random, you're going to have a terrible table-scan on your hands, and the word quick doesn't apply to such a solution.
不要那样做,也不应该按 GUID 订购,它也有同样的问题.
Don't do that, nor should you order by a GUID, it has the same problem.