I don't use Stored procedures very often and was wondering if it made sense to wrap my select queries in a transaction.
My procedure has three simple select queries, two of which use the returned value of the first.
In a highly concurrent application it could (theoretically) happen that data you've read in the first select is modified before the other selects are executed.
If that is a situation that could occur in your application you should use a transaction to wrap your selects. Make sure you pick the correct isolation level though, not all transaction types guarantee consistent reads.
更新:您还可以找到关于并发更新/插入解决方案(又名upsert)有趣.它把几种常用的 upsert 方法放到测试中,看看是什么方法实际上保证数据在 select 和 next 语句之间没有被修改.结果是,嗯,令人震惊.
Update : You may also find this article on concurrent update/insert solutions (aka upsert) interesting. It puts several common methods of upsert to the test to see what method actually guarantees data is not modified between a select and the next statement. The results are, well, shocking I'd say.