我曾经使用 MySQL 构建 Ruby on Rails 应用程序.
I used to build Ruby on Rails apps with MySQL.
MongoDB 目前变得越来越有名,我现在开始尝试.
MongoDB currently become more and more famous and I am now starting to give it a try.
问题是,我不知道 MongoDB 如何工作的基本理论(如果重要,我正在使用 mongoid gem)
The problem is, I don't know the underlying theory of how MongoDB is working (am using mongoid gem if it matter)
所以我想比较一下使用 MySQL+ActiveRecord 和使用 mongoid gem 生成的模型之间的性能比较,谁能帮我弄清楚?
So I would like to have a comparison on the performance between using MySQL+ActiveRecord and model generated by mongoid gem, could anyone help me to figure it out?
文章标题为:你到底使用 NoSQL 到底是为了什么? 在介绍使用 NoSQL 的利弊方面做得非常好.
The article entitled: What the heck are you actually using NoSQL for? does a very good job at presenting the pros and cons of using NoSQL.
另请阅读 http://blog.fatalmind.com/2011/05/13/choosing-nosql-for-the-right-reason/ 博文
重新我发现了一些我认为相关的关于该主题的最新材料(2014 年发布):NoSQL 还剩下什么?
Re-edit: I found some recent material (published in 2014) on this topic that I consider to be relevant: What’s left of NoSQL?
这篇关于MongoDB 与 MySQL的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!