

No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name #39;System.Data.SqlClient#39;.(找不到具有不变名称“System.Data.SqlClient的 ADO.NET 提供程序的实体框架提供程序.)
error: This operation would create an incorrectly structured document(错误:此操作将创建结构不正确的文档)
EF6, SQLite won#39;t work without App.config(EF6,如果没有 App.config,SQLite 将无法工作)
EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll not is getting added to the published folder only when I publish in RELEASE mode(只有当我在 RELEASE 模式下发布时,EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll 才会添加到已发布的文件夹中)
EntityDataSource and Entity Framework 6(EntityDataSource 和实体框架 6)
The ADO.NET provider with invariant name #39;MySql.Data.MySqlClient#39; is either not registered in the machine or application config file(具有不变名称“MySql.Data.MySqlClient的 ADO.NET 提供程序未在计算机或应用程序配置文件中注册)
Using DateDiff with Linq.Dynamic library for fetching today records(使用带有 Linq.Dynamic 库的 DateDiff 来获取今天的记录)
EF6 two contexts vs. single context with two awaits(EF6 两个上下文与具有两个等待的单个上下文)
Entity Framework List Contains in lambda(实体框架列表包含在 lambda)
One to One Relationship with Different Primary Key in EF 6.1 Code First(EF 6.1 Code First 中与不同主键的一对一关系)