

EntityDataSource and Entity Framework 6(EntityDataSource 和实体框架 6)
Can Entity Framework 6 migrations include a transaction around scripts?(Entity Framework 6 迁移是否可以包含围绕脚本的事务?)
Entity Framework 6 - Timing queries(实体框架 6 - 定时查询)
Why is Entity Framework 6.1.3 throwing a quot;Could not load type #39;System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.TableExistenceChecker#39;quot;(为什么实体框架 6.1.3 会抛出“无法加载类型‘System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.TableExistenceChecker’?)
Creating Unique Index with Entity Framework 6.1 fluent API(使用 Entity Framework 6.1 fluent API 创建唯一索引)
Error: No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name #39;System.Data.SqlClient#39;(错误:找不到具有不变名称“System.Data.SqlClient的 ADO.NET 提供程序的实体框架提供程序)
FindAsync and Include LINQ statements(FindAsync 和 Include LINQ 语句)
Entity Framework not working with temporal table(实体框架不使用时态表)
How does the SQLite Entity Framework 6 provider handle Guids?(SQLite Entity Framework 6 提供程序如何处理 Guid?)
Entity Framework 6: Clone object except ID(实体框架 6:克隆除 ID 之外的对象)