nameidentifier claim is required for external login to succeed. How to remove duplicate keys in token(外部登录需要名称标识符声明才能成功。如何删除令牌中的重复密钥)
IdentityServer4: signin callback returns 404 status code - UserInfo endpoint not triggered(标识服务器4:登录回调返回404状态代码-未触发UserInfo终结点)
Post Multiple Parameters Without DTO Class(在不使用DTO类的情况下发布多个参数)
ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web API project: implement email confirmation callback url using endpoint(ASP.NET Core 2.2 Web API项目:使用端点实现电子邮件确认回调URL)
ASP .NET Core Web API route dot in url causes 404 not found(URL中的ASP.NET核心Web API路由点导致找不到404)
How to produce correct error for Blazor MapFallbackToFile()(如何为Blazor MapFallback ToFile()生成正确的错误)
Azure DocumentDB vs Blob Storage for multiple PDF files per user(Azure DocumentDB与每个用户多个PDF文件的Blob存储)
What is this strange character and how can I get rid of It?(这个奇怪的角色是什么?我怎么才能摆脱它?)
C# Azure AppendBlob AppendBlock adding a file larger than the 4mb limit(C#Azure AppendBlob AppendBlock添加大于4MB限制的文件)
Windows Phone get value from url with xml code(Windows Phone使用XML代码从URL获取值)