Chat BoT Exception: OnTurnAsync exception-- Operation returned an invalid status code amp;#39;BadRequestamp;#39;(聊天机器人异常:OnTurnAsync异常--操作返回无效状态代码amp;#39;错误请求amp;#39;)
Why isnamp;#39;t BotUserData persisting and retrievable in my Bot Framework bot?(为什么在我的Bot框架机器人中可以持久化和检索amp;t BotUserData?)
How to pass C# array to C++ and return it back to C# with additional items?(如何将C#数组传递给C++,并将其返回给C#以及其他项?)
Swagger #39;swagger.json#39; loads, but 404 error on swagger UI #39;{localhost}/swagger#39; in AspNet project(Swagger39;swagger.json39;加载,但在AspNet项目中的swagger UI#39;{localhost}/swagger#39;上出现404错误)
run linux executable in c# with params(使用参数在C#中运行Linux可执行文件)
quot;connection rejected by remote interfacequot; in C# program connecting to Firebird 3(连接被连接到Firebird 3的C#程序中的远程接口拒绝(Q))
How to get the name of a JSON object using? (C# Newtonsoft.JSON)(如何使用获取JSON对象的名称?(C#Newtonsoft.JSON))
How to make colors in a Palette transparent when drawing 8bpp Bitmaps(如何在绘制8bpp位图时使调色板中的颜色透明)
Set Copy to Output folder by code(按代码设置复制到输出文件夹)
.NET Core 2.0 Web API for Video Streaming from FileStream(用于FileStream视频流的.NET Core 2.0 Web API)