How do you update a table with a foreign key to another table in ADO.Net Entity Model?(如何将具有外键的表更新到 ADO.Net 实体模型中的另一个表?)
How can I make LINQ to SQL use a connection string which is being modified at runtime?(如何使 LINQ to SQL 使用在运行时修改的连接字符串?)
Consuming Drupal RestApi with c#(使用 c# 使用 Drupal RestApi)
Should I use ExecuteNonQuery for this db backup command(我应该为此数据库备份命令使用 ExecuteNonQuery)
How to insert value into primary key identity column in SQL through C#?(如何通过 C# 将值插入 SQL 中的主键标识列?)
ExecuteReader requires command to have transaction when connection assigned to command is in pending local trans(当分配给命令的连接处于挂起的本地传输状态时,ExecuteReader 要求命令具有事务)
SQLite error Insufficient parameters supplied to the command at Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteStatement.BindParameter(SQLite 错误为 Mono.Data.Sqlite.SqliteStatement.BindParameter 处的命令提供的参数不足)
Internal .Net Framework Data Provider error 1(内部 .Net Framework 数据提供程序错误 1)
DataGridView-when I press enter it goes to the next cell(DataGridView-当我按下回车键时它转到下一个单元格)
DataAdapter: Update unable to find TableMapping[#39;Table#39;] or DataTable #39;Table#39;(DataAdapter:更新无法找到 TableMapping[Table] 或 DataTable Table)