我创建了一个 asp.net 4.0 Web 应用程序,它具有用于上传图像的 Web 服务.我通过将 Base64 字符串形式的图像从我的移动应用程序发送到 Web 服务来上传图像.
I create an asp.net 4.0 web application which has a web service for uploading images. I am uploading images by sending the image in form of Base64 string from my mobile app to the web service.
public string Authenticate(string username, string password, string fileID, string imageData)
Dictionary<string, string> responseDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
bool isAuthenticated = true; // Set this value based on the authentication logic
if (isAuthenticated)
string result = "success";
var message = "Login successful";
responseDictionary["status"] = result;
responseDictionary["message"] = message;
catch (Exception ex)
responseDictionary["status"] = ex.Message;
responseDictionary["message"] = ex.StackTrace;
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(responseDictionary);
private void UploadImage(string uploadedImage)
// Convert Base64 String to byte[]
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(uploadedImage);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms);
string uploadPath = Server.MapPath("..\uploads\") + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".jpeg";
bitmap.Save(uploadPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
这段代码在我的本地 ASP.NET 开发服务器上运行良好,我能够在我的上传"目录中看到上传的图像.但是,将代码传输到 FTP 目录后,我现在收到以下错误:
This code was working fine on my local ASP.NET development server and I was able to see the uploaded image in my "uploads" directory. However, after transferring the code to the FTP directory, I am now getting the following error:
GDI+ 中发生一般错误
我通过创建一个虚拟的 .aspx 页面并在 page_load 上创建一个文本文件来检查上传目录是否具有适当的权限,并且它工作正常.
I have checked that the upload directory has proper permission by creating a dummy .aspx page and creating a text file on page_load, and it works fine.
Even after doing google search, I was not able to solve this problem. Can anybody help me fixing this?
不要直接写入文件,而是将位图保存到 MemoryStream
Instead of writing directly to files, save your bitmap to a MemoryStream
and then save the contents of the stream to disk. This is an old, known issue and, frankly, I don't remember all the details why this is so.
MemoryStream mOutput = new MemoryStream();
bmp.Save( mOutput, ImageFormat.Png );
byte[] array = mOutput.ToArray();
// do whatever you want with the byte[]
In your case it could be either
private void UploadImage(string uploadedImage)
// Convert Base64 String to byte[]
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(uploadedImage);
string uploadPath = Server.MapPath("..\uploads\") + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".jpeg";
// store the byte[] directly, without converting to Bitmap first
using ( FileStream fs = File.Create( uploadPath ) )
using ( BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter( fs ) )
bw.Write( imageBytes );
private void UploadImage(string uploadedImage)
// Convert Base64 String to byte[]
byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(uploadedImage);
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = (System.Drawing.Bitmap)Image.FromStream(ms);
string uploadPath = Server.MapPath("..\uploads\") + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".jpeg";
// convert to image first and store it to disk
using ( MemoryStream mOutput = new MemoryStream() )
bitmap.Save( mOutput, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
using ( FileStream fs = File.Create( uploadPath ) )
using ( BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter( fs ) )
bw.Write( mOutput.ToArray() );
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