I am developing a simple app which updates its tile time to time.
我需要我的应用始终在磁贴上显示其名称.因此,我在我的应用清单中将 Show Name
设置为 All Logos
I need my app to show its name on the tile all the time. Therefore, I set the Show Name
to All Logos
in my app manifest.
问题是,当我的应用更新其磁贴(使用 TileSquareBlock
The problem is that when my app updates its tile (using TileSquareBlock
tile template) the app name would be replaced by app Logo.
How can I keep my app name on tile after updating?
在磁贴通知 XML 中,将name"指定为 品牌属性.使用此属性,可以指定磁贴是否显示应用程序徽标、名称或不显示任何内容.
In the tile notification XML, specify "name" as the value for the branding attribute. Using this attribute, one can specify whether the tile shows the app logo, the name, or nothing.