- 我目前有一个 Azure Active Directory 应用程序,它有一个 Microsoft Graph Webhook 订阅,用于侦听指定邮箱中的新电子邮件(消息).
- 订阅有一个计划任务,通过更新请求更新订阅的到期日期.订阅的目标是使用其 MS Graph 提供的 ID.
- 针对此特定订阅的任何 DELETE 或 UPDATE 请求都会失败. (请参阅下面的错误响应".)
- 我意识到这可能与此处提出的问题相同/错误:https://stackoverflow.com/a/53111286/7902641
- 对此是否有任何修复/解决方案/或解决方法?
- 如果已经修复或这完全是一个不同的问题,我可以做些什么来解决这个特定问题?
- 谢谢!
"error": {
"code": "ExtensionError",
"message": "Operation: Delete; Exception: [Status Code: NotFound; Reason: The subscription with Id 'Q0IzOUZCMTYtMTk4OC00OEZDLUFFQjQtNzI4NTU1MDREMkVDXzQ5RDk2MzI3LUFDRDEtNEE2QS05QTQ1LUYwQ0ZGQjgwNEQ0Qg==' is not found.]",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "e83fe463-....-....-....-76eb35e2e697",
"date": "2019-03-22T02:35:14"
- 订阅的 Microsoft Graph ID 不知何故被...转换了?原始订阅 ID 为 ( 528b79f1-....-....-....-360c0e1149e9 ),返回的目标 ID 为:( Q0IzOUZ ... NEQ0Qg==) .
- 正在执行的 UPDATE 请求源自使用 Microsoft Graph SDK (C#) 的 ASP.NET CORE 应用程序.
- https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-dotnet
- Somehow the Microsoft Graph ID for the subscription is...transformed? The original subscription ID is ( 528b79f1-....-....-....-360c0e1149e9 ) and the returned target ID is: ( Q0IzOUZ ... NEQ0Qg== ) .
- The executing UPDATE request originates from an ASP.NET CORE application, using the Microsoft Graph SDK (C#).
- https://github.com/microsoftgraph/msgraph-sdk-dotnet
- https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/subscriptions/528b79f1-....-....-....-360c0e1149e9
- 应用:
- 已注册的 Azure Active Directory 守护程序应用程序
- https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-dotnet 的身份验证库
- ASP.NET CORE (2.1) - Web API
- 使用 MS Graph SDK(上面发布的 Github 链接)
- 相关订阅现已过期并从我的应用程序订阅列表中消失(时间戳,PST:3/22/2019 8:45:22 AM).
- 我将无法再针对它进行测试(对不起,S.O. 后人!).
- 不过,好消息:现在问题子项(订阅)已消失,我能够创建新订阅并重新启动受影响的服务.我能够针对任何新创建的订阅成功提交获取/更新/删除请求.
== 更新 ==
相关订阅现已过期并从我的应用程序订阅列表中消失(时间戳,PST:3/22/2019 8:45:22上午).
== Update ==
The subscription in question has now expired and disappeared from my application's subscriptions list (timestamp, PST: 3/22/2019 8:45:22 AM).
我将无法再针对它进行测试(对不起,S.O. 后人!).
I will no longer be able to test against it (sorry S.O. posterity!).
However, good news: now that the problem child (subscription) in question is gone, I was able to create a new subscription and restart my affected service. I am able to successfully submit get / update / delete requests against any newly created subscriptions.
由于这篇文章已经发布了将近一年,并且很可能已通过 MSFT 的修复得到解决(我们的实现中没有可操作的修复),因此我将这篇文章标记为已回答".
As this post is almost a year old and was most likely resolved via a fix by MSFT (no actionable fixes in our implementations), I am marking this post as "answered".
这篇关于Microsoft Graph 订阅 ExtensionError - 删除/更新的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
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