I am trying to make it so that when the user selects something via check box, a corresponding feature will be installed.
我知道 Wix 提供的预构建功能树,但我正在做的其他一些事情不允许我使用此功能.我很好奇如何将两者链接在一起,以便当用户选中安装功能 X"复选框时,当用户单击安装按钮时会安装功能 X.
I am aware of the prebuilt feature tree that Wix provides but there are some other things that I am doing that do not allow me to use this function. I am curious as to how to link the two together so that when the user selects the check box "Install Feature X", feature X is installed when the user clicks the install button.
I found what it was that solves my issue. To do as I had intended, I needed to create a checkbox for each feature as so.
<Control Id="FeatureX" Type="CheckBox" X="191" Y="50" Width="140" Height="17"
Property="FEATUREX_CHECKED" CheckBoxValue="myValue" Text="Install feature X" />
<Control Id="FeatureY" Type="CheckBox" X="191" Y="67" Width="140" Height="17"
Property="FEATUREY_CHECKED" CheckBoxValue="myValue" Text="Install feature Y" />
<Control Id="FeatureZ" Type="CheckBox" X="191" Y="84" Width="140" Height="17"
Property="FEATUREZ_CHECKED" CheckBoxValue="myValue" Text="Install feature Z" />
Now once I did that I then added a corresponding publish to each, and made a condition that made it so that only if the check box is selected will that feature be installed. Like so:
<Control Id="Next" Type="PushButton" Text="Next" X="254" Y="243" Height="17" Width="56">
<Publish Event="Remove" Value="ALL" Order="1">1</Publish>
<Publish Event="AddLocal" Value="FeatureX" Order="2">
Remove 用于取消选择安装中的所有内容(我注意到一旦调用 UI,更改功能级别为时已晚).
Remove is used to deselect everything from being installed (It was brought to my attention that once the UI is invoked, it is too late to change feature levels).
然后检查每个功能以查看相应的复选框"是否已被选中,如果是,则将其添加到AddLocal"属性中.AddLocal 看起来像这样:
Then each feature is checked to see if the "corresponding checkbox" has been selected and if so adds it to the "AddLocal" Property. AddLocal would look like this if one were to look at it:
ADDLOCAL=FeatureX, FeatureY, FeatureZ...
我需要做的最后一件事是检查我的 main.wxs 以确保复选框中使用的 FeatureID 与使用的 ComponentGroupRefID 匹配:
The final thing I needed to do to get this to work was too check in my main.wxs to make sure that the FeatureID used in the checkboxes matched up with the ComponentGroupRefID used:
<ComponentGroupRef Id="FeatureX"/>
So there it is... I again, thank everyone for their help with this. If anyone reading this is confused by anything, please feel free to drop me a line, and I will do my best to explain things a little bit further.