这些年来,我经常使用 ClickOnce,但我遇到了一些困难很多它的局限性.Web 部署有哪些替代方案?
I've used ClickOnce a lot over the years, but I have run up against a lot of its limitations. What alternatives are there for web deployment?
到目前为止,我唯一能出现的是 ClickThrough,它是 WiX 现在处于次要地位.还有其他成功的吗?
So far the only one I've been able to turn up is ClickThrough, which is part of WiX now on the back burner. Are there others that have had success?
在使用了 WiX、NSIS 和 InstallAware 之后,我不得不谦虚地承认,对于我作为软件开发人员真正需要的东西来说,它们都是矫枉过正的.到目前为止,我所做的所有项目都无法使用 Visual Studio 部署项目进行部署.
After using WiX, NSIS and InstallAware, I have to humbly admit that they were all overkill for what I really need as a software developer. There are no projects that I've done so far which couldn't be deployed using the Visual Studio deployment project.
它也非常易于学习和使用.此外,您可以通过使用补丁(.MSP 文件)等非常巧妙的事情.com/KB/install/dotnetpatching.aspx" rel="noreferrer">这里
It is also very simple to learn and use. Moreover, you can actually do really neat things like automatically create patches (.MSP files) by using techniques as described here
我完全理解您无法在 Visual Studio 安装项目中完成所有操作,但您能够完成的工作却令人惊讶.它是免费的、简单的,而且坦率地说,与花费大量时间学习 WiX 令人难以置信的 XML(尽管它令人印象深刻)或 InstallAware 的冗长脚本相比,它对于一般用途来说是一个更好的选择.
I fully understand that you can't do everything inside of a Visual Studio setup project, but it's rather surprising what you can accomplish. It's free, it's easy and, frankly, for general use is a better option than spending endless hours learning WiX's mind-boggling XML (impressive as it is), or InstallAware's verbose scripts.
使用 VS 设置,它是拖放 &构建和部署.我尝试过的所有其他解决方案都遇到了挫折……它们无法自动检测您的项目输出……或者需要特殊的过滤器才能不包含构建中不需要的输出.
With VS Setup, it's drag'n'drop & build'n'deploy. Every other solution I've tried had set backs... they can't automatically detect your project output... or need special filters so as not to include unwanted outputs from the build.
My suggestion is thus: If you simply wish to get your project deployed, then learn:
- 如何构建自定义安装程序类,以及
- 如何编写自己的必备软件包
These are both reasonably easy skills to master, and satisfy the needs of most developers.
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