重复: 当浏览器重新加载/返回时,如何防止再次写入数据库?
如果用户从浏览器请求刷新,是否有一种优雅的方式来阻止 .aspx 页面重新提交表单数据?
Is there a nice elegant way to stop an .aspx page from resubmitting form data if the user requests a refresh from their browser?
Ideally without losing the viewstate.
对我来说最优雅的解决方案是将相关控件包装在 asp.net ajax UpdatePanel 中.给大家.
The most elegant solution for me turned out to be wrapping the relevant controls in an asp.net ajax UpdatePanel. Ta everyone.
没有优雅的方式,但有选择.如其他答案之一所述,您可以执行 HTTP 重定向响应.另一种解决方案是通过 Ajax 或 iframe 等方式提交.
There is no elegant way, but there are options. As stated in one of the other answers you can do a HTTP redirect response. Another solution is submitting through means such as Ajax, or through an iframe.