HTML 有一种输入按钮类型,可以一步将表单中的所有字段重置为其初始状态:<input type="reset" .../>
HTML has an input button type to reset all fields in a form to their initial state in one step: <input type="reset" ... />
是否有类似的简单方法可以从代码隐藏中重置 aspx 页面的所有表单字段?还是需要用TextBox1.Text=string.Empty
Is there a similar simple way to reset all form fields of an aspx page from code-behind? Or is it necessary to reset all controls one by one with TextBox1.Text=string.Empty
, TextBox2.Text=string.Empty
, etc. ?
Context 是一个简单的 Contact/Send us a message" 页面,页面上有 8 个 asp:TextBoxes(用户在其中输入姓名、地址、电话、电子邮件、消息等).然后他点击提交,代码隐藏中的 Onclick 消息处理程序向某个管理员发送一封电子邮件,用户填写的所有表单字段都应该被清空,他会在标签中收到通知(消息已发送 blabla...").我希望清除表单字段以避免用户再次单击提交并再次发送相同的消息.
Context is a simple Contact/"Send us a message" page with 8 asp:TextBoxes on the page (where the user enters the name, address, phone, email, message, etc.). Then he clicks on submit, the Onclick message handler in code-behind sends an email to some administrator, and all the form fields the user filled in should be emptied and he gets a notification in a label ("Message sent blabla..."). I want to have the form fields cleared to avoid that the user clicks again on submit and the same message is sent a second time.
You need only write a fork for each type of control unless one of the control has something special that needs to be done to reset it.
foreach( var control in this.Controls )
var textbox = control as TextBox;
if (textbox != null)
textbox.Text = string.Empty;
var dropDownList = control as DropDownList;
if (dropDownList != null)
dropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;
ADDITION You asked how to clear controls even ones that are buried. To do that, you should create a recursive routine like so:
private void ClearControl( Control control )
var textbox = control as TextBox;
if (textbox != null)
textbox.Text = string.Empty;
var dropDownList = control as DropDownList;
if (dropDownList != null)
dropDownList.SelectedIndex = 0;
foreach( Control childControl in control.Controls )
ClearControl( childControl );
So, you would call this by passing the page:
ClearControls( this );