我正在计算日期的周数,但 System.Globalization.Calendar
正在返回 2007 年 12 月 31 日和 2012 年 12 月 31 日的奇数结果.p>
I'm in the middle of calculating week numbers for dates, but the System.Globalization.Calendar
is returning odd results for (amongst other years) December 31st of year 2007 and 2012.
Calendar calendar = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar;
var date = new DateTime(2007, 12, 29);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
int w = calendar.GetWeekOfYear(date, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", date.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), w);
date = date.AddDays(1);
29.12.2007 52
30.12.2007 52
31.12.2007 53 <--
01.01.2008 1
02.01.2008 1
29.12.2012 52
30.12.2012 52
31.12.2012 53 <--
01.01.2013 1
02.01.2013 1
据我了解,2007 年和 2012 年不应该有第 53 周,但这些天应该包含在第 1 周中.有没有办法在 Calendar
As far as I understand, there shouldn't be a week 53 in year 2007 and 2012, but the days should be included in week 1. Is there a way to change this behaviour in the Calendar
CalendarWeekRule 枚举的文档 特别声明它不直接映射到 ISO 8601",并链接到 Microsoft .Net 中的 ISO 8601 一年中的一周格式,一个描述差异的博客条目.
The documentation for the CalendarWeekRule enumeration specifically states that it "does not map directly to ISO 8601", and links to ISO 8601 Week of Year format in Microsoft .Net, a blog entry that describes the differences.
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