
Convert Date from Persian to Gregorian(将日期从波斯语转换为公历)


如何使用 System.globalization.PersianCalendar 将波斯日期转换为公历日期?请注意,我想转换我的波斯日期(例如今天是 1391/04/07)并获得公历日期结果,在这种情况下将是 06/27/2012.我正在数秒来回答...

How can I convert Persian date to Gregorian date using System.globalization.PersianCalendar? Please note that I want to convert my Persian Date (e.g. today is 1391/04/07) and get the Gregorian Date result which will be 06/27/2012 in this case. I'm counting seconds for an answer ...



// I'm assuming that 1391 is the year, 4 is the month and 7 is the day
DateTime dt = new DateTime(1391, 4, 7, persianCalendar);
// Now use DateTime, which is always in the Gregorian calendar

当您调用 DateTime 构造函数并传入 Calendar 时,它会为您转换它 - 所以 dt.Year 将是 2012 年这个案例.如果你想走另一条路,你需要构造适当的 DateTime 然后使用 Calendar.GetYear(DateTime) 等.

When you call the DateTime constructor and pass in a Calendar, it converts it for you - so dt.Year would be 2012 in this case. If you want to go the other way, you need to construct the appropriate DateTime then use Calendar.GetYear(DateTime) etc.


using System;
using System.Globalization;

class Test
    static void Main()
        PersianCalendar pc = new PersianCalendar();
        DateTime dt = new DateTime(1391, 4, 7, pc);

打印 06/27/2012 00:00:00.

That prints 06/27/2012 00:00:00.




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