在 VB6 中通过 COM 处理在 .NET 类上公开的事件
Handling events exposed on a .NET class via COM in VB6
我的测试 .NET(在编译器设置中为互操作注册的类库)代码:
My test .NET (class libary registered for interop in compiler settings) code:
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
<InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch), ComVisible(True)> _
Public Interface MyEventInterface
<DispId(1)> Event Exploded(ByVal Text As String)
<DispId(2)> Sub PushRedButton()
End Interface
<ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
Public Class EventTest
Implements MyEventInterface
Public Event Exploded(ByVal Text As String) Implements MyEventInterface.Exploded
Public Sub PushRedButton() Implements MyEventInterface.PushRedButton
RaiseEvent Exploded("Bang")
End Sub
End Class
My test VB6 application winforms code (which references the above class libary):
Public ct As New ComTest1.EventTest
Private Sub Command1_Click()
ct.add_Exploded (ExplodedHandler)
ct.remove_Exploded (ExplodedHandler)
End Sub
Private Sub ExplodedHandler(ByVal Text As String)
MsgBox Text
End Sub
特别是我不确定如何在 VB6 中设置处理程序,我得到的编译错误是 VB6 中这一行的Argument not optional":
Specifially I'm not sure how to set up the handler in VB6 the compile error I get is "Argument not optional" on this line in the VB6:
ct.add_Exploded (ExplodedHandler)
中的事件.NET 和 VB6 中的 WithEvents
Use <ComSourceInterfaces(GetType(
the interface name))>
for the events in .NET and WithEvents
in VB6
.NET 类库:
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
' This interface is to expose the events
<Guid("28C7DCE1-90EF-4a30-AF7F-4187F9FFFDEB")> _
<InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)> _
Public Interface MathsEvents
<DispId(1)> _
Sub Calculated(ByVal Result As Double)
End Interface
' This interface is to expose the properties and methods
<Guid("86CE5E8D-777D-4cd5-8A7D-7F58737F1DB4")> _
<InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch)> _
Public Interface _Maths
<DispId(2)> _
Property ValueA() As Double
<DispId(3)> _
Property ValueB() As Double
<DispId(4)> _
ReadOnly Property Result() As Double
<DispId(5)> _
Sub Add()
End Interface
' This is the actual class
' The events are exposed by using the ComSourceInterfaces attribute
' The properties and methods are exposed using the Implements keyword
<Guid("C58721B1-15B3-4eeb-9E1E-BCDA33D38EE6")> _
<ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _
<ComSourceInterfaces(GetType(MathsEvents))> _
Public Class Maths
Implements _Maths
Public Event Calculated(ByVal Result As Double)
Private mValueA As Double
Private mValueB As Double
Private mResult As Double
Public Property ValueA() As Double Implements _Maths.ValueA
Return mValueA
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
mValueA = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ValueB() As Double Implements _Maths.ValueB
Return mValueB
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
mValueB = value
End Set
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Result() As Double Implements _Maths.Result
Return mResult
End Get
End Property
Public Sub New()
mValueA = 0
mValueB = 0
mResult = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Add() Implements _Maths.Add
mResult = mValueA + mValueB
RaiseEvent Calculated(mResult)
End Sub
End Class
VB6 测试应用:
Private WithEvents calc As Maths
Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
calc.ValueA = CDbl(txtValueA.Text)
calc.ValueB = CDbl(txtValueB.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub calc_Calculated(ByVal Result As Double)
txtResult.Text = CStr(Result)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set calc = New Maths
End Sub
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