我有两个通过 COM 互操作公开的 .NET 类 - 比如说 Foo 和 Bar,我需要将 Foo 类型的参数传递给 Bar 中定义的方法.像这样的:
I have two .NET classes exposed via COM interop - let's say Foo and Bar, and I need to pass an argument of type Foo to a method defined in Bar. Something like this:
public class Foo
// whatever
public class Bar
public void Method(Foo fff)
// do something with fff
当我运行以下 VBS(使用 cscript.exe)时:
When I run the following VBS (using cscript.exe):
set foo = CreateObject("TestCSProject.Foo")
set bar = CreateObject("TestCSProject.Bar")
call bar.Method(foo)
D: est.vbs(3, 1) Microsoft VBScript 运行时错误:无效的过程调用或参数:'bar.Method'
However, if I change the Method declaration to this:
public void Method(object o)
Foo fff = (Foo)o;
// do something with fff
everything works. I tried some magic with interfaces, attributes, etc. but no luck so far.
确保你定义了一个 GUID 属性,如果你创建一个 QueryInterface(VB 可能会这样做),这是必要的.您必须为每个可组合的类生成一个新的唯一 GUID.
Make sure, you define a GUID attribute, this is necessary if you make a QueryInterface (VB does probably). You have to generate a new unique GUID for every comvisible class.
public class Foo
然后我强烈建议为您的 COM 对象编写接口,并将 ClassInterface 设置为 None,因此不会显示任何内部结构.这样你的类型库会更干净.
Then i would strongly recommend to write interfaces for your COM objects, and set the ClassInterface to None, so no internals are revealed. Your typelibrary will be much cleaner this way.
public interface IFoo
public class Foo : IFoo
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