如何设置 FitNesse 以用于 .NET?

How do I setup FitNesse for use with .NET?(如何设置 FitNesse 以用于 .NET?)
本文介绍了如何设置 FitNesse 以用于 .NET?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 Windows Vista 上开始使用 FitNesse for .NET.在我在网上找到的所有教程中,我都被告知要执行 run.bat 文件,但下载最新版本时我得到的只是一个 .jar 文件.当我运行它时,文件结构被解压,我可以通过浏览到 http://localhost 来访问 Fitnesse 服务器.现在,当我尝试设置测试项目时,根据我发现的所有文档,我应该定义 fitsharp.dll 的路径,但我无法在从 .jar 文件.我做错了什么?

I'm trying to get started with FitNesse for .NET on Windows Vista. In all tutorials I find on the web I'm told to execute the run.bat file, but all i get when downloading the latest release is a .jar-file. When i run this, the filestructure is unpacked and I can reach the fitnesse server by browsing to http://localhost. Now, when I'm trying to set up a test project, according to all documentation I find I'm supposed define the path to fitsharp.dll but I can't find this file anywhere in the filestructure that was set up from the .jar-file. What am I doing wrong?


从 http://fitnesse.org/下载 FitNesse jar/a>.

Download FitNesse jar from http://fitnesse.org/.


java -jar fitnesse.jar

它将启动网络服务器并创建包含 wiki 内容的文件夹 FitNesseRoot.要检查它是否已开始导航到 http://localhost - 您应该会看到 FitNesse 首页.

It will start web server and create folder FitNesseRoot with wiki contents. To check that it has started navigate to http://localhost - you should see FitNesse front page.

编辑首页 - 只需在底部添加类似 HelloWorldTest 的内容(必须是驼峰式!)并保存.单击出现的问号并保存一个新页面.点击属性并确保页面类型测试.

Edit front page - just add something like HelloWorldTest (must be camel case!) in the bottom and save. Click on the appeared question mark and save a new page. Click Properties and make sure Page type is Test.

从 https://github.com/jediwhale/fitsharpFitSharp> 并将其解压缩到 FitNesseRoot 旁边的文件夹 fitsharp.

Download FitSharp from https://github.com/jediwhale/fitsharp and extract it to folder fitsharp next to your FitNesseRoot.

为测试创建 .Net 项目,添加对位于刚刚创建的 fitsharp 文件夹中的 fit.dllfitSharp.dll 的引用.

Create .Net project for tests, add references to fit.dll and fitSharp.dll located in just created fitsharp folder.

在 .Net 中编写一个简单的测试并编译它.例如,使用 http://fitnesse.org/FitNesse.UserGuide 中描述的简单柱夹具.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures.ColumnFixture.将测试表添加到我们的 HelloWorldTest 页面.

Write a simple test in .Net and compile it. For example use a simple column fixture as described on http://fitnesse.org/FitNesse.UserGuide.FixtureGallery.BasicFitFixtures.ColumnFixture. Add test table to our HelloWorldTest page.

在您的 FitNesse 测试页面顶部(在我们的示例中 HelloWorldTest)输入:

On top of your FitNesse test page (in our example HelloWorldTest) enter:

!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer,fitsharpfit.dll %p}
!define TEST_RUNNER {fitsharpRunner.exe}
!path <path to your test assembly>

如果您单击 Test 按钮并没有看到任何结果,请尝试使用 TEST_RUNNER RunnerW.exe 进行故障排除.

If you click on Test button and see no results then try to use TEST_RUNNER RunnerW.exe for troubleshooting.

这是一本关于在 .Net 中使用 FitNesse 的好书:http://fitnesse.s3.amazonaws.com/tdd_net_with_fitnesse.pdf

Here's a great book on using FitNesse with .Net: http://fitnesse.s3.amazonaws.com/tdd_net_with_fitnesse.pdf

这篇关于如何设置 FitNesse 以用于 .NET?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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