有没有什么好的测试记录工具可以记录在 .Net 应用程序上执行的操作?
Is there any good test recording tools that can record the actions that are performed on a .Net application?
我正在做桌面 .Net 应用程序,有时用户可能会在一系列冗长的步骤后使应用程序崩溃.所以在这种情况下,测试记录工具很有帮助,因为它可以收集用户的鼠标点击和鼠标操作.
I am doing desktop .Net application, and sometimes users can crash the application after a series of long-winded steps. So in this case, a test recording tool is helpful as it can collect the mouse clicks and mouse actions the users do.
正如 Tom E 所说,您的问题令人困惑.您需要一个可以捕获和记录用户操作的库,而不是测试自动化工具.我知道的是 TestRecorder;以下是其描述的摘录:
As Tom E said, your question is confusing. You need a library that can capture and log user actions, not a test automation tool. The one I know about is TestRecorder; here's an extract from its description:
TestRecorder 是一组运行时库,与您的 32 位和 64 位应用程序一起分发.一旦合并到您的应用程序中,TestRecorder 就会以二进制格式完整记录最终用户的操作.之后,可以使用 TestComplete 将记录的数据转换为关键字测试或 VBScript、JScript、DelphiScript、C++Script 或 C#Script 中易于阅读的脚本代码.这些脚本可以准确地告诉您用户在应用程序执行期间正在做什么——允许您通过 TestComplete 或 TestExecute 准确地重复用户操作的序列.
TestRecorder is a set of runtime libraries to be distributed with your 32-bit and 64-bit applications. Once incorporated into your application, TestRecorder fully records end-user actions in the binary format. Later, the recorded data can be converted with TestComplete to a keyword test or easily readable script code in VBScript, JScript, DelphiScript, C++Script or C#Script. These scripts tell you exactly what a user was doing during application execution — allowing you to accurately repeat the sequence of user actions via TestComplete or TestExecute.