尽管我已经编程了一段时间,但 C# 和事件的总 n00b.
Total n00b to C# and events although I have been programming for a while.
I have a class containing a text box. This class creates an instance of a communication manager class that is receiving frames from the Serial Port. I have this all working fine.
Every time a frame is received and its data extracted, I want a method to run in my class with the text box in order to append this frame data to the text box.
So, without posting all of my code I have my form class...
public partial class Form1 : Form
CommManager comm;
public Form1()
comm = new CommManager();
private void updateTextBox()
//get new values and update textbox
我有我的 CommManager 课程
and I have my CommManager class
class CommManager
//here we manage the comms, recieve the data and parse the frame
所以...本质上,当我解析该框架时,我需要运行表单类中的 updateTextBox 方法.我猜这在事件中是可能的,但我似乎无法让它发挥作用.
SO... essentially, when I parse that frame, I need the updateTextBox method from the form class to run. I'm guessing this is possible with events but I can't seem to get it to work.
在创建 CommManager 的实例后,我尝试在表单类中添加一个事件处理程序,如下所示...
I tried adding an event handler in the form class after creating the instance of CommManager as below...
comm = new CommManager();
comm.framePopulated += new EventHandler(updateTextBox);
...but I must be doing this wrong as the compiler doesn't like it...
Your code should look something like:
public class CommManager()
delegate void FramePopulatedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event FramePopulatedHandler FramePopulated;
public void MethodThatPopulatesTheFrame()
// The rest of your code here.
public partial class Form1 : Form
CommManager comm;
public Form1()
comm = new CommManager();
comm.FramePopulated += comm_FramePopulatedHander;
private void updateTextBox()
//get new values and update textbox
private void comm_FramePopulatedHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
这里是评论中提到的 .NET 事件命名指南的链接:
And here's a link to the .NET Event Naming Guidelines mentioned in the comments:
MSDN - 事件命名指南