If my software has two object instances, one of which is subscribed to the events of the other. Do I need to unsubscribe them from one another before they are orphaned for them to be cleaned up by the garbage collector? Or is there any other reason why I should clear the event relationships? What if the subscribed to object is orphaned but the subscriber is not, or vise versa?
Yes you do. The event publishers are holding references to the objects, and would prevent them from being garbage collected.
Let's look at an example to see what happens. We have two classes; one exposes an event, the other consumes it:
class ClassA
public event EventHandler Test;
Console.WriteLine("A being collected");
class ClassB
public ClassB(ClassA instance)
instance.Test += new EventHandler(instance_Test);
Console.WriteLine("B being collected");
void instance_Test(object sender, EventArgs e)
// this space is intentionally left blank
注意 ClassB 如何不存储对 ClassA 实例的引用;它只是连接了一个事件处理程序.
Note how ClassB does not store a reference to the ClassA instance; it merely hooks up an event handler.
Now, let's see how the objects are collected. Scenario 1:
ClassB temp = new ClassB(new ClassA());
Console.WriteLine("Collect 1");
temp = null;
Console.WriteLine("Collect 2");
我们创建一个 ClassB 实例并通过 temp 变量保存对它的引用.它传递了一个 ClassA 的新实例,我们不会在任何地方存储对它的引用,因此它在 ClassB 构造函数完成后立即超出范围.我们让垃圾收集器在 ClassA 超出范围时运行一次,在 ClassB 超出范围时运行一次.输出:
We create a ClassB instance and hold a reference to it through the temp variable. It gets passed a new instance of ClassA, where we do not store a reference to it anywhere, so it goes out of scope immediately after the ClassB constructor is done. We have the garbage collector run once when ClassA has gone out of scope, and once when ClassB as gone out of scope. The output:
Collect 1
A being collected
Collect 2
B being collected
场景 2:
ClassA temp = new ClassA();
ClassB temp2 = new ClassB(temp);
temp2 = null;
Console.WriteLine("Collect 1");
temp = null;
Console.WriteLine("Collect 2");
创建了一个新的 ClassA 实例,并且对它的引用存储在 temp 变量中.然后创建一个新的 ClassB 实例,将 temp 中的 ClassA 实例传递给它,并将对它的引用存储在 temp2 中.然后我们将 temp2 设置为 null,使 ClassB 实例超出范围.和以前一样,我们让垃圾收集器在每个实例超出范围后运行.输出:
A new instance of ClassA is created and a reference to it is stored in the temp variable. Then a new instance of ClassB is created, getting the ClassA instance in temp passed to it, and we store a reference to it in temp2. Then we set temp2 to null, making the ClassB instance going out of scope. As before, we have the garbage collector run after each instance has gone out of scope. The output:
Collect 1
Collect 2
B being collected
A being collected
So, to conclude; if the instance that exposes an event goes out of scope, it becomes available for garbage collection, regardless of whether there are event handlers hooked up or not. If an instance that has an event handler hooked up to an event in another instance, it will not be available for garbage collection until either the event handler is detached, or the instance to which the event handler is attached becomes available for garbage collection.