我正在尝试将标准 WPF 列表框选定项(显示)文本复制到 CTRL+C 上的剪贴板.有什么简单的方法可以实现这一点.如果它适用于他应用程序中的所有列表框.. 那会很棒.
I am trying to copy a standard WPF listbox selected Item (displayed) text to clipboard on CTRL+C. Is there any simple way to achieve this. If it is something that works for all the listboxes int he app.. that would be great.
因为你在 WPF 中所以你可以尝试附加的行为
As you're in WPF so you could try the attached behaviours
First you need a class like this:
public static class ListBoxBehaviour
public static readonly DependencyProperty AutoCopyProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("AutoCopy",
typeof(bool), typeof(ListBoxBehaviour), new UIPropertyMetadata(AutoCopyChanged));
public static bool GetAutoCopy(DependencyObject obj_)
return (bool) obj_.GetValue(AutoCopyProperty);
public static void SetAutoCopy(DependencyObject obj_, bool value_)
obj_.SetValue(AutoCopyProperty, value_);
private static void AutoCopyChanged(DependencyObject obj_, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e_)
var listBox = obj_ as ListBox;
if (listBox != null)
if ((bool)e_.NewValue)
ExecutedRoutedEventHandler handler =
(sender_, arg_) =>
if (listBox.SelectedItem != null)
//Copy what ever your want here
var command = new RoutedCommand("Copy", typeof (ListBox));
command.InputGestures.Add(new KeyGesture(Key.C, ModifierKeys.Control, "Copy"));
listBox.CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(command, handler));
然后你就有了这样的 XAML
Then you have the XAML like this
<ListBox sample:ListBoxBehaviour.AutoCopy="True">
<ListBoxItem Content="a"/>
<ListBoxItem Content="b"/>
Updates: For the simplest case, you can access the text in the below way:
private static string GetListBoxItemText(ListBox listBox_, object item_)
var listBoxItem = listBox_.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item_)
as ListBoxItem;
if (listBoxItem != null)
var textBlock = FindChild<TextBlock>(listBoxItem);
if (textBlock != null)
return textBlock.Text;
return null;
GetListBoxItemText(myListbox, myListbox.SelectedItem)
FindChild<T> is a function to find a child of type T of a DependencyObject
但就像 ListBoxItem 可以绑定到对象一样,ItemTemplate 也可能不同,因此您不能在实际项目中依赖它.
But just like the ListBoxItem could be bound to object, the ItemTemplate could be different as well, so you can't rely on it in real projects.
这篇关于WPF 列表框复制到剪贴板的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!