我可能只是瞎了眼,但是有没有命令行可以在 MSBUILD 中指定条件编译符号?
I'm possibly just blind, but is there a command line to specify conditional compilation symbols in MSBUILD?
I currently have this Line in my buildscript:
SET MSBUILD=C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727MSBuild.exe
%MSBUILD% /p:Configuration=%CONFIG% /p:OutputPath=....output sourceMyProjectMyProject.csproj
我想添加一个条件.在 Visual Studio 中,我可以进入项目属性 => 构建 => 条件编译符号,但我没有看到 msbuild 的选项?
And I'd like to add a condition. In Visual Studio, i can just go into Project Properties => Build => Conditional compilation symbols, but I have not seen that option for msbuild?
如果您知道我是否可以完全覆盖 .csproj 文件中已指定的所有符号以确保只有来自我的 Buildscript 的条件进入,则奖励 Karma.
Bonus Karma if you know if I can completely override all symbols already specified in the .csproj files to make sure that only the conditionals from my Buildscript go in.
你见过 这个?(大部分信息在倒数第二个帖子中)
Have you seen this? (most info is in the penultimate post)