
Best way to keep track of current online users(跟踪当前在线用户的最佳方式)


我要求我的网站始终显示当前在线的用户数量.例如,35741 个用户当前在线".这不是基于登录,而是基于当前有多少用户在我的网站上.我已经尝试为此使用会话开始/会话结束,但是会话结束并不可靠.因此,我得到了夸大的数字,因为我的会话开始添加数字但会话结束不会删除它们,因为它不会触发.

I have a requirement that my site always display the number of users currently online. For example, "35741 Users Currently Online". This is not based on a log in, simply how many users are currently on my site. I have tried using Session Start/Session End for this, however session end is not reliable. Therefore I get inflated numbers, as my session start adds numbers but session end doesn't remove them because it doesn't fire.


There is no additional information to be gathered from this (reporting, etc), it's simply requested that the number show up. Very simple request that's turning into a huge deal. Any help is appreciated.

我应该说明我也尝试过为此使用数据库.包含会话 ID 和最后一个活动列的简单表.每次点击页面时,我都会检查会话是否在我的数据库中.如果没有,请插入.如果是,请更新活动时间.然后我运行一个程序来扫描数据库,寻找在过去 20 分钟内没有活动的会话.这种方法似乎杀死了我的 SQL 服务器和/或 IIS.不得不重启网站.

I should specify that I have also tried using a database for this. Simple table that contains a session ID and a last activity column. With each page hit, I check to see if the session is in my database. If not, insert. If so, update with activity time. Then I run a procedure that sweeps the database looking for sessions with no activity in the last 20 minutes. This approach seemed to kill my SQL server and/or IIS. Had to restart the site.


最好的方法和你一样,但通过活动超时.如果给定的会话在 5 分钟左右的时间内没有访问页面,您可能会认为它们不再处于活动状态.

Best way is like you do, but time it out via activity. If a given session doesn't access a page within 5 minutes or so, you may consider them no longer active.




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