

External calls are not supported - CUDA(不支持外部调用 - CUDA)
Best strategy for profiling memory usage of my code (open source) and 3rd party code(closed source)(分析我的代码(开源)和第 3 方代码(闭源)的内存使用情况的最佳策略)
How to generate random permutations with CUDA(如何使用 CUDA 生成随机排列)
Example of increasing the work per thread in CUDA(增加 CUDA 中每个线程的工作量的示例)
Determining the least element and its position in each matrix column with CUDA Thrust(使用 CUDA Thrust 确定每个矩阵列中的最小元素及其位置)
c++ version supported by cuda 5.0(cuda 5.0支持的c++版本)
Compiling Eigen library with nvcc (CUDA)(使用 nvcc (CUDA) 编译 Eigen 库)
CUDA function call-able by either the device or host(设备或主机均可调用的 CUDA 函数)
Member function of a C++ object as a CUDA __global__ function(作为 CUDA __global__ 函数的 C++ 对象的成员函数)
Custom Kernel GpuMat with float(带浮点的自定义内核 GpuMat)