How and when should I use pitched pointer with the cuda API?(我应该如何以及何时将倾斜指针与 cuda API 一起使用?)
Opencv Error: no GPU support (library is compiled without CUDA support)(Opencv 错误:没有 GPU 支持(库在没有 CUDA 支持的情况下编译))
Obtaining the CUDA include dir in C++ targets with native-CUDA-support CMake?(使用 native-CUDA-support CMake 获取 C++ 目标中的 CUDA 包含目录?)
Installing OpenCV 3.3.0 with contrib modules using CMake, CUDA 9.0 RC and Visual Studio 2017(使用 CMake、CUDA 9.0 RC 和 Visual Studio 2017 安装带有 contrib 模块的 OpenCV 3.3.0)
From thrust::device_vector to raw pointer and back?(从推力::设备向量到原始指针并返回?)
Creating a static CUDA library to be linked with a C++ program(创建要与 C++ 程序链接的静态 CUDA 库)
Determining the least element and its position in each matrix column with CUDA Thrust(使用 CUDA Thrust 确定每个矩阵列中的最小元素及其位置)
c++ version supported by cuda 5.0(cuda 5.0支持的c++版本)
Compiling Eigen library with nvcc (CUDA)(使用 nvcc (CUDA) 编译 Eigen 库)
CUDA Device To Device transfer expensive(CUDA 设备到设备传输昂贵)