Determine if a string contains only alphanumeric characters (or a space)(确定字符串是否仅包含字母数字字符(或空格))
Is there a dereference_iterator in the STL?(STL 中有 dereference_iterator 吗?)
What are the typical use cases of an iterator_trait(iterator_trait 的典型用例是什么)
Should I prefer iterators over const_iterators?(我应该更喜欢迭代器而不是 const_iterators 吗?)
Why does push_back or push_front invalidate a deque#39;s iterators?(为什么 push_back 或 push_front 使双端队列的迭代器无效?)
Is comparison of const_iterator with iterator well-defined?(const_iterator 与迭代器的比较是否定义明确?)
C++ std::vectorlt;gt;::iterator is not a pointer, why?(C++ std::vectorlt;gt;::iterator 不是指针,为什么?)
Iterators.. why use them?(迭代器..为什么要使用它们?)
Using a regex_iterator on an istream(在 istream 上使用 regex_iterator)
Substraction or decrement random access iterator pointing to begin(减法或减法随机访问迭代器指向开始)