

Writing a video file using H.264 compression in OpenCV(在 OpenCV 中使用 H.264 压缩编写视频文件)
findChessboardCorners fails for calibration image(findChessboardCorners 校准图像失败)
OpenCv depth estimation from Disparity map(视差图的 OpenCv 深度估计)
Face mask in opencv(opencv中的面罩)
Blob tracking algorithm(斑点跟踪算法)
Transforming 2D image coordinates to 3D world coordinates with z = 0(将 2D 图像坐标转换为 z = 0 的 3D 世界坐标)
What are the units and limits of gradient magnitude?(梯度大小的单位和界限是什么?)
Find maximum value of a cv::Mat(查找 cv::Mat 的最大值)
cvSnakeImage() OpenCV API example/documentation(cvSnakeImage() OpenCV API 示例/文档)
Feature tracking using optical flow(使用光流进行特征跟踪)