

Returning integer array from function with no arguments(从没有参数的函数返回整数数组)
In C++, is quot;return;quot; the same thing as quot;return NULL;quot;?(在 C++ 中,是“返回.与“返回NULL相同吗?)
Why does returning a reference to a automatic variable work?(为什么返回对自动变量的引用有效?)
Odd syntax in C++: return { .name=value, ... }(C++ 中的奇怪语法:return { .name=value, ... })
C++ functions returning arrays(C++ 函数返回数组)
Move constructor suppressed by comma operator(移动由逗号运算符抑制的构造函数)
When is the copy constructor for the return value happens(返回值的复制构造函数何时发生)
Will the c++ compiler optimize away unused return value?(c++ 编译器会优化掉未使用的返回值吗?)
Why does it work when a function missing a return statement at the end?(当函数最后缺少 return 语句时,为什么它会起作用?)
Returning an address to a local variable vs returning a pointer to a local variable(将地址返回到局部变量与返回指向局部变量的指针)