

How to return a struct from a function in C++?(如何从 C++ 中的函数返回结构?)
Forwarding of return values. Is std::forward is needed?(返回值的转发.需要 std::forward 吗?)
Is there a right way to return a new object instance by reference in C++?(有没有正确的方法在 C++ 中通过引用返回一个新的对象实例?)
C++ having cin read a return character(让 cin 读取返回字符的 C++)
exit(0) vs return 0(退出(0)与返回 0)
Return reference from class to this(从类返回引用到 this)
Returning integer array from function with no arguments(从没有参数的函数返回整数数组)
In C++, is quot;return;quot; the same thing as quot;return NULL;quot;?(在 C++ 中,是“返回.与“返回NULL相同吗?)
Why does returning a reference to a automatic variable work?(为什么返回对自动变量的引用有效?)
Why does it work when a function missing a return statement at the end?(当函数最后缺少 return 语句时,为什么它会起作用?)