Connecting to a SQL Server Compact Edition (.sdf) from an MFC application(从 MFC 应用程序连接到 SQL Server Compact Edition (.sdf))
How to handle CEdit mouse click in parent form?(如何在父窗体中处理 CEdit 鼠标单击?)
is Ccriticalsection usable in production?(Ccriticalsection 可以在生产中使用吗?)
error C2661: #39;CObject::operator new#39; : no overloaded function takes 4 arguments(错误 C2661:“CObject::operator new:没有重载函数需要 4 个参数)
MFC modeless dialog close immediately(MFC 无模式对话框立即关闭)
Controls disappear after scrolling in Cwnd with ScrollWindowEx(使用 ScrollWindowEx 在 Cwnd 中滚动后控件消失)
Selection changed event in CListView based SDI application(基于 CListView 的 SDI 应用程序中的选择更改事件)
How to convert _bstr_t to CString(如何将 _bstr_t 转换为 CString)
ID2D1HwndRenderTarget always having black background instead of transparent(ID2D1HwndRenderTarget 总是有黑色背景而不是透明)
MFC : How to add tooltip in Cmenu items?(MFC:如何在 Cmenu 项目中添加工具提示?)