after writing the code to add a toolbar to a dialog-based mfc the dialog doesn#39;t run(编写代码以将工具栏添加到基于对话框的 mfc 后,对话框不运行)
Coordinate Error using GetWindowRect in different DPI(在不同的 DPI 中使用 GetWindowRect 的坐标错误)
How to change background color of SysDateTimePick32 or CDateTimeCtrl?(如何更改 SysDateTimePick32 或 CDateTimeCtrl 的背景颜色?)
Simplest method to create an OpenFileDialog and return the pathname to edittext box using MFC applications(使用 MFC 应用程序创建 OpenFileDialog 并将路径名返回到编辑文本框的最简单方法)
How to make a modeless dialog always on top within the app(如何在应用程序中使无模式对话框始终位于顶部)
Change color of background and title in MFC Control(在 MFC 控件中更改背景和标题的颜色)
Get cookie from CDHtmlDialog(从 CDHtmlDialog 获取 cookie)
MFC: After applying a CSplitterWnd to my CChildFrame the main window title isn#39;t updated any more(MFC:将 CSplitterWnd 应用到我的 CChildFrame 后,主窗口标题不再更新)
How to change color of CListCtrl column(如何更改 CListCtrl 列的颜色)
Dynamically resizing CMFCPropertySheet with PropSheetLook_OneNoteTabs style(使用 PropSheetLook_OneNoteTabs 样式动态调整 CMFCPropertySheet 的大小)