

How to display a non-modal CDialog?(如何显示非模态 CDialog?)
Resizing Controls in MFC(在 MFC 中调整控件大小)
Convert a modeless dialog to modal at runtime(在运行时将无模式对话框转换为模式)
Reduce windows executable size(减小 Windows 可执行文件大小)
#error WINDOWS.H already included. MFC apps must not #include lt;windows.hgt;(#error WINDOWS.H 已包含在内.MFC 应用程序不得#include lt;windows.hgt;)
how to find a window#39;s SW_SHOW/SW_HIDE status(如何查找窗口的 SW_SHOW/SW_HIDE 状态)
How to compile VC++ 2010 projects using Visual Studio 2012 and Windows SDK 7.1(如何使用 Visual Studio 2012 和 Windows SDK 7.1 编译 VC++ 2010 项目)
How to draw in the nonclient area?(如何在非客户区绘图?)
MFC Combo-Box Control is not showing the full list of items when I click the drop-down menu(当我单击下拉菜单时,MFC 组合框控件未显示完整的项目列表)
Difference between Afxbeginthread and CreateThread(Afxbeginthread 和 CreateThread 的区别)