

vc++ - How to convert a CString into LPCWSTR(vc++ - 如何将 CString 转换为 LPCWSTR)
Why doesn#39;t OnKeyDown catch key events in a dialog-based MFC project?(为什么 OnKeyDown 不捕获基于对话框的 MFC 项目中的关键事件?)
DWORD and DWORD_PTR on 64 bit machine(64 位机器上的 DWORD 和 DWORD_PTR)
How to display a non-modal CDialog?(如何显示非模态 CDialog?)
Resizing Controls in MFC(在 MFC 中调整控件大小)
How to execute child console programs without showing the console window from the Win32 GUI program?(如何在不显示 Win32 GUI 程序的控制台窗口的情况下执行子控制台程序?)
Convert a modeless dialog to modal at runtime(在运行时将无模式对话框转换为模式)
WinAPI and UTF-8 support(WinAPI 和 UTF-8 支持)
Double null-terminated string(双空终止字符串)
Exporting a MFC Dialog from a DLL(从 DLL 导出 MFC 对话框)