I read the "Intel Optimization guide Guide For Intel Architecture".
However, I still have no idea about when should I use
Could anyone explain when these should be used when writing multi-threaded code?
Caveat: I'm no expert in this. I'm still trying to learn this myself. But since no one has replied in the past two days, it seems experts on memory fence instructions are not plentiful. So here's my understanding ...
Intel is a weakly-ordered memory system. That means your program may execute
array[idx+1] = something
但是在更改为 array 之前,对 idx 的更改可能是全局可见的(例如,对于在其他处理器上运行的线程/进程).在两个语句之间放置围栏将确保写入发送到 FSB 的顺序.
but the change to idx may be globally visible (e.g. to threads/processes running on other processors) before the change to array. Placing sfence between the two statements will ensure the order the writes are sent to the FSB.
Meanwhile, another processor runs
newestthing = array[idx]
可能已经缓存了 array 的内存并且有一个陈旧的副本,但是由于缓存未命中而获得更新的 idx.解决方案是预先使用围栏来确保负载同步.
may have cached the memory for array and has a stale copy, but gets the updated idx due to a cache miss. The solution is to use lfence just beforehand to ensure the loads are synchronized.
本文 或 这篇文章可能会提供更好的信息
This article or this article may give better info
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