

javascript - opening hidden iframe for file download on document ready(javascript - 打开隐藏的 iframe 以在文档准备好时下载文件)
Why is window.open() silently ignored iff called from within a loop and via setTimeout()?(为什么 window.open() 在循环中通过 setTimeout() 调用时会被静默忽略?)
Post a Form to Popup window not to the parent(将表单发布到弹出窗口而不是父级)
Display confirmation popup with JavaScript upon clicking on a link(单击链接时显示带有 JavaScript 的确认弹出窗口)
#39;window.open#39; blocked by Firefox(window.open 被 Firefox 阻止)
How can I open a new window using a URL that is generated inside the getScript callback function, and avoid pop-up blockers?(如何使用在 getScript 回调函数中生成的 URL 打开新窗口,并避免弹出窗口阻止程序?)
Jquery - waiting for user input(Jquery - 等待用户输入)
IE8 Crashes Strangely on JavaScript Popup(IE8 在 JavaScript 弹出窗口上奇怪地崩溃)
Google chrome doesn#39;t take window.name into account(谷歌浏览器不考虑 window.name)
how not to lose data when closing and opening chrome extension popup(关闭和打开 chrome 扩展弹出窗口时如何不丢失数据)