Offering smaller versions of videos with media query or when mobiles are detected(通过媒体查询或在检测到手机时提供较小版本的视频)
Vue js: Vuetify server side Datatable search filter not working(VUE js:验证服务器端数据表搜索过滤不起作用)
Close dialog when ESC key is pressed(按Esc键时关闭对话框)
Vuetify data table :item-class doesn#39;t do anything(验证数据表:Item-class不执行任何操作)
Vue js v-autocomplete does not update dynamically changed items correctly(Vue js v-autoComplete不能正确更新动态更改的项目)
Fully responsive HTML5 video(完全响应的HTML5视频)
How does Youtube autoplay its videos?(YouTube如何自动播放其视频?)
How to play multiple HTML5 videos using individual play buttons with an ID(如何使用带ID的单个播放按钮播放多个HTML5视频)
Is there a way to set the default HTML5-Video volume?(有没有办法设置默认的HTML5-Video音量?)
Chrome: to play a video that is being downloaded via fetch/XHR(Chrome:播放正在通过FETCH/XHR下载的视频)