

CSS :hover on SVG group area instead of rendered pixels, pointer-events: bounding-box not working cross browser. How to workaround(CSS:悬停在 SVG 组区域而不是渲染像素上,指针事件:边界框不能跨浏览器工作.如何解决)
SVG CSS Hover Styling(SVG CSS 悬停样式)
IE8 does not hover when using an li with position:absolute(IE8 在使用 li 时不会悬停 position:absolute)
CSS on parent hover keep child not filter-grayscaled(父悬停上的 CSS 保持子不过滤灰度)
why does this element with 3d rotation effect unexpectedly stretch when I hover on it?(为什么当我将鼠标悬停在这个具有 3d 旋转效果的元素上时,它会意外拉伸?)
CSS - change the style of another element when a link is hovered?(CSS - 悬停链接时更改另一个元素的样式?)
(CSS) How position text (with background color) over lt;imggt; tag without absolute positioning((CSS) 如何在 lt;imggt; 上定位文本(带背景颜色)没有绝对定位的标签)
Style button when :active different from :hover(:active 与 :hover 不同时的样式按钮)
elements specifically for :hover overriding the an equivalent class for :active(专门用于 :hover 的元素覆盖 :active 的等效类)
CSS/JQuery Hover Affect Only Hovered Element and Not Parent(CSS/JQuery 悬停只影响悬停元素而不影响父元素)