
Sorting mongodb by reddit ranking algorithm(通过reddit排名算法对mongodb进行排序)


这是一个根据 Reddit 的排名算法对项目进行排名的 js 代码.

Here is a js code to rank items according to Reddit's ranking algorithm.

我的问题是:如何使用此代码对我的 mongodb 文档进行排名?

My question is: how do I use this code to rank my mongodb documents ?


function hot(ups,downs,date){
    var score = ups - downs;
    var order = log10(Math.max(Math.abs(score), 1));
    var sign = score>0 ? 1 : score<0 ? -1 : 0;
    var seconds = epochSeconds(date) - 1134028003;
    var product = order + sign * seconds / 45000;
    return Math.round(product*10000000)/10000000;
function log10(val){
  return Math.log(val) / Math.LN10;
function epochSeconds(d){
    return (d.getTime() - new Date(1970,1,1).getTime())/1000;



Well you can use mapReduce:

var mapper = function() {

    function hot(ups,downs,date){
        var score = ups - downs;
        var order = log10(Math.max(Math.abs(score), 1));
        var sign = score>0 ? 1 : score<0 ? -1 : 0;
        var seconds = epochSeconds(date) - 1134028003;
        var product = order + sign * seconds / 45000;
        return Math.round(product*10000000)/10000000;

   function log10(val){
      return Math.log(val) / Math.LN10;

   function epochSeconds(d){
       return (d.getTime() - new Date(1970,1,1).getTime())/1000;

   emit( hot(this.ups, this.downs, this.date), this );


然后运行 ​​mapReduce(不使用 reducer):

And the run the mapReduce (without a reducer):

        "out": { "inline": 1 }

当然,假设您的收藏"包含 upsdownsdate 字段.当然,排名"需要以独特"的方式发出,否则您需要一个reducer"来整理结果.

And of course presuming that your "collection" has the fields for ups, downs and date. Of course the "rankings" need to be emitted in a way that is "unique" otherwise you need a "reducer" to sort out the results.


But generally speaking that should do the job.




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