I know some languages emphasise words differently to English, e.g. via changing word endings rather than stressing words with inflection of the voice.
如果您正在本地化一个网站,您是否相信 <strong>
和 <em>
If you are localising a site, would you trust that <strong>
and <em>
tags (and their placement) will have the same meaning in other languages — would you maintain this emphasis, check with your translator or leave them out?
我想知道的是,这如何将(请原谅双关语)翻译成网络的语义?— Strong 和 em 标签带有在 SEO、屏幕阅读器等中使用的语义含义.所以应该将它们留在原处以免丢失,还是丢弃以更好地符合目标语言?
What I'm wondering is how this translates (excuse the pun) into the semantics of the web? — Strong and em tags carry semantic meaning that is used within SEO, screen-readers etc. So should they be left in place so this isn't lost, or dropped to better conform with the target language?
Mark-up is there to convey meaning a whole, and so long as the meaning is conveyed, you have succeeded in your mark-up. So in a language where stress emphasis is conveyed in the text, using tags to signal the emphasis is redundant and optional.
Inline level markup, much more so than block level markup, may need to be radically different in different languages. In a good translation, the text should be marked up from scratch in each language.