使用 RequireJS 加载 plotly 和 D3

Using RequireJS to load plotly and D3(使用 RequireJS 加载 plotly 和 D3)
本文介绍了使用 RequireJS 加载 plotly 和 D3的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 RequireJS 在我的 js 代码中加载 plotly 和 d3 库.我试过这个:

I am trying to use RequireJS to load the plotly and d3 libraries in my js code. I have tried this:

    paths: {
       d3: '/static/scripts/plotly/dependencies/d3.v3.min',
       plotly: '/static/scripts/plotly/plotly.min'
require(['d3'], function(d3) {
require(['plotly'], function(plotly) {

但这不起作用.当我的 js 函数被调用时,我得到:

But this doesn't work. When my js function is called I get:

Uncaught ReferenceError: plotly is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: Plotly is not defined
Uncaught ReferenceError: d3 is not defined
Uncaught TypeError: d3 is not a function

在这种情况下使用 RequireJS 的正确方法是什么?

What is the proper way to use RequireJS in this situation?


Updating post with current version of code, still not working.


In the calling script I have this now:

    paths: {
        heatmap: '/static/scripts/heatmap',
        d3: '/static/scripts/plotly/dependencies/d3.v3.min',
        plotly: '/static/scripts/plotly/plotly.min',
require(['d3', 'plotly', 'heatmap'], function(d3, plotly, heatmap) {


Uncaught ReferenceError: Plotly is not defined(anonymous function) @ plotly.min.js:17

函数 Plotly(大写 P)在 plotly.min.js 中定义.我必须在某处添加对该函数的引用吗?

The function Plotly (upper case P) is defined in plotly.min.js. Do I have to add some reference to that function somewhere?


Plotly 需要一个 shim,因为它依赖于 D3,根据 Plotly 文档,看起来还需要 jQuery.您的配置应如下所示:

You need a shim for Plotly since it depends on D3, and according to the Plotly docs, it looks like jQuery is also needed. Your config should look like:

main.js file
  paths: {
    d3: '/static/scripts/plotly/dependencies/d3.v3.min',
    jquery: '/path/to/jquery',
    plotly: '/static/scripts/plotly/plotly.min'

  shim: {
    plotly: {
      deps: ['d3', 'jquery'],
      exports: 'plotly'

require(['d3', 'plotly'], function(d3, plotly) {
  console.log(plotly); // Object {Lib: Object, util: Object...}
  console.log(d3); // Object {version: "3.5.6", behavior: Object...}

在您的 index.html 中,您应该只有一个脚本标签:

In your index.html you should have only a single script tag:

<script data-main="main" src="/path/to/require/folder/require.js"></script>

如果你想在另一个使用 require 的 JS 文件中使用 D3 和 Plotly,那么你应该使用 AMD 样式:

If you want to use D3 and Plotly in another JS file that uses require then you should be using the AMD style:

define(['d3', 'plotly'], function(d3, plotly) {
    var foo = {};

    function bar() {
       // Some code here...

    // This will allow other modules to use
    // the foo object and the bar function.
    return fooBar {
        foo: foo,
        bar: bar

现在,您可以在另一个模块中使用 foo-bar.js(假设两个文件位于同一目录级别):

Now, you can use foo-bar.js in another module (assuming the two files are on the same directory level):

define(['./foo-bar'], function(fooBar) {
    console.log(fooBar.foo) // Object
    console.log(fooBar.bar) // function() {}

这篇关于使用 RequireJS 加载 plotly 和 D3的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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