插入百分比charts.js 甜甜圈

Inserting percentage charts.js doughnut(插入百分比charts.js 甜甜圈)
本文介绍了插入百分比charts.js 甜甜圈的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用charts.js 库,想知道如何在圆环图的孔中添加一些标记(例如百分比)-

i'm, using charts.js librarie and would like to know how could I add some mark to the hole of a doughnut chart (sth like a percentage)-

我的 js


var data = [
                value: 5,
                highlight: "#BF7AAF",
                label: "Días Completados 1/21"
                value: 95,
                color: "#07659A",
                highlight: "#4190BA",
                label: "Días pendientes 20/21"


 var ctx = jQuery("#myChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
 var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(data);



<canvas id="myChart" width="264px"></canvas>



The donut chart is centered in the canvas, so you can calculate the center of the donut like this:

// get the canvas element and its context
var canvas = document.getElementById("myChart");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

// calculate the center of the canvas (cx,cy)
var cx=canvas.width/2;
var cy=canvas.height/2;

然后你可以告诉画布垂直绘制文本 &像这样以 cx,cy 为中心水平居中:

Then you can tell canvas to draw text vertically & horizontally centered around cx,cy like this:

// horizontally align text around the specified point (cx)

// vertically align text around the specified point (cy)

// draw the text
ctx.font='14px verdana';
ctx.fillText("Text Here",cx,cy);


But you must wait for any animations to complete before drawing your centered text.

为此,您必须告诉 ChartJS 您希望在它完成动画时触发回调函数.您可以通过设置图表选项的 onAnimationComplete 属性来设置回调:

To do that you must tell ChartJS that you want a callback function triggered when it completes its animation. You can set the callback by setting the onAnimationComplete property of the chart options:

var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(data, {
    responsive : true,

    // when ChartJS has completed all animations then call the addText function
    onAnimationComplete: addText


var doughnutData = [{
    value: 300,
    color: "#F7464A",
    highlight: "#FF5A5E",
    label: "Red"
  }, {
    value: 50,
    color: "#46BFBD",
    highlight: "#5AD3D1",
    label: "Green"
  }, {
    value: 100,
    color: "#FDB45C",
    highlight: "#FFC870",
    label: "Yellow"
  }, {
    value: 40,
    color: "#949FB1",
    highlight: "#A8B3C5",
    label: "Grey"
  }, {
    value: 120,
    color: "#4D5360",
    highlight: "#616774",
    label: "Dark Grey"


window.onload = function() {
  var canvas = document.getElementById("chart-area");
  var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d");
  window.myDoughnut = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(doughnutData, {
    responsive: true,
    onAnimationComplete: addText


var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(data);
var myDoughnutChart = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(doughnutData, {
  responsive: true,
  onAnimationComplete: addText

function addText() {

  var canvas = document.getElementById("chart-area");
  var ctx = document.getElementById("chart-area").getContext("2d");

  var cx = canvas.width / 2;
  var cy = canvas.height / 2;

  ctx.textAlign = 'center';
  ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
  ctx.font = '14px verdana';
  ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
  ctx.fillText("Text Here", cx, cy);


body {
  padding: 10px;
  margin: 0;
#canvas-holder {
  width: 30%;
canvas {
  border: 1px solid red;

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/1.0.1/Chart.min.js"></script>
<div id="canvas-holder">
  <canvas id="chart-area" width="500" height="500" />

这篇关于插入百分比charts.js 甜甜圈的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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