

Strange behaviour with floats and string conversion(浮点数和字符串转换的奇怪行为)
Convert float to string in positional format (without scientific notation and false precision)(将浮点数转换为位置格式的字符串(没有科学记数法和错误精度))
Rounding a number in Python but keeping ending zeros(在 Python 中舍入一个数字但保持结尾为零)
Why do simple math operations on floating point return unexpected (inaccurate) results in VB.Net and Python?(为什么浮点上的简单数学运算会在 VB.Net 和 Python 中返回意外(不准确)的结果?)
Decimal place issues with floats and decimal.Decimal(浮点数和小数点的小数位问题.十进制)
Most Pythonic way to print *at most* some number of decimal places(大多数Pythonic方式打印*最多*一些小数位)
What is the difference between int() and floor() in Python 3?(Python 3 中的 int() 和 floor() 有什么区别?)
How to mock a decorated function(如何模拟一个装饰函数)
Can I fake/mock the type of my mock objects in python unittests(我可以在 python 单元测试中伪造/模拟我的模拟对象的类型吗)
How to mock a redis client in Python?(如何在 Python 中模拟 redis 客户端?)