

How can I have two command decorators that go against each other?(我怎样才能有两个相互对抗的命令装饰器?)
Making a discord.py (rewrite version) timer based off of UTC time(根据 UTC 时间制作 discord.py(重写版本)计时器)
How to check if no message has been sent for X minutes? (discord.py)(如何检查 X 分钟内是否没有消息发送?(discord.py))
Discord.py spellcheck commands(Discord.py 拼写检查命令)
TypeError: Inheritance a class from URL is forbidden(TypeError:禁止从 URL 继承类)
discord.py quot;wait_forquot; a reaction in a command(discord.py “wait_for命令中的反应)
(Discord.py) How to make bot delete his own message after some time?((Discord.py)如何让机器人在一段时间后删除自己的消息?)
discord.py rewrite: TypeError: cogs must derive from Cog(discord.py 重写:TypeError:cogs 必须从 Cog 派生)
Send image from memory(从内存中发送图像)
discord.py send_message usage(discord.py send_message 用法)