

How can I update to the latest Python version using conda?(如何使用Conda更新到最新的Python版本?)
Error when trying to use conda on vs code: conda : The term #39;conda#39; is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet(尝试在VS代码上使用Conda时出错:Conda:术语Conda无法识别为cmdlet的名称)
Using a pip requirements file in a conda yml file throws AttributeError: #39;FileNotFoundError#39;(在Conda YML文件中使用pip要求文件会引发AttributeError:#39;FileNotFoundError#39;)
Where to install pip packages inside my Conda environment?(在我的conda环境中在哪里安装pip包?)
VS Code Python installation and Python Interpreter not recognized(VS代码Python安装和Python解释器无法识别)
Where do I put a conda-recipe relative to my project?(相对于我的项目,我应该把Conda食谱放在哪里?)
Odoo: how to turn a sql statement into a domain(Odoo:如何将SQL语句转换为域)
Cannot install Python 3.7 on osx-arm64(无法在osx-arm64上安装Python 3.7)
PySide6.1 not compatible with matplotlib 3.4(PySide6.1与matplotlib 3.4不兼容)
Set the channel_priority in Conda environment.yaml(在CONDA环境中设置CHANNEL_PRIORITY。yaml)