

Python - Store variables in a list that save each time program restarts(Python-将每次重新启动程序时保存的变量存储在列表中)
How to manage more users in a telegram bot?(如何在一个电报机器人中管理更多的用户?)
How do I make this bot run continuously?(我怎么才能让这个机器人连续运行呢?)
Python - Refresh page until Element is clickable(Python-刷新页面,直到元素可单击)
Space in the Bot Prefix(Bot前缀中的空格)
Discord command bot doesn#39;t responde (python)(不协调命令机器人没有响应(Python))
Discord bot not updating status(不一致机器人未更新状态)
Python Discord bot message.content(Python不协调机器人消息.内容)
AttributeError: #39;BotClient#39; object has no attribute #39;loop#39; with declaring an instance(AttributeError:#39;BotClient#39;对象没有声明实例的属性#39;循环#39;)
getting #39;NoneType#39; object has no attribute #39;send#39;(获取#39;NoneType#39;对象没有属性#39;发送#39;)